
90 sur 184 results

Compensation and benefits

In addition to a fixed annual salary,
Covéa has introduced collective
and individual bonus schemes, an
attractive employee savings scheme,
comprehensive health and personal
protection cover and other benefits.

The Covéa Foundation

The Covéa Foundation focuses on
social and human inclusion. Its efforts
are centred around three main areas:
women’s rights,inclusion and using
knowledge to promote inclusion.

Covéa Immobilier

As a recognised player in its business sector, Covéa Immobilier aims to combine the enhancement of assets with environmental commitment.


You are a professional wishing to partner with the Covéa Group ? You want an insurance quote from our MAAF, MMA and GMF brands ? You will find on this page all sorts of usefull information.


On this page you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Covéa.