Mutual model

A democratic and representative governance system

In the mutual insurance model, in accordance with the “one person = one vote” principle, each member can play an equal part in the democratic life of their mutual insurance company, regardless of how many policies they hold.

They are able to vote for representatives or delegates to represent them at general meetings, approve major strategic decisions and give an opinion on the mutual insurance company’s management and accounts.

Our operational governance

The Board of Directors


In addition to pooling risk, which enables each policyholder to benefit from a high level of cover, solidarity is expressed through voluntary organisations, philanthropic efforts and the many partnerships entered into by the Group and its brands.

The Covéa Foundation

A long-term view

The relationship between the mutual insurance company and its members is based on in-depth understanding of their needs and the ability to support them over the long term with a focus on responsibility and solidarity.

Without the need to pay returns to shareholders, everything that the business generates is invested in serving the company and its stakeholders.

The mutualist approach therefore makes it possible to prepare for the future over a long period, harmoniously blending the economic and the social, for example by creating new products in response to social and environmental concerns, setting profits aside as reserves, acting in the general interest and developing new services.

Our commitments