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Les Echos

Opinion | Les Français et leur "bagnole"

  • Covéa
  • Prevention

Nous ne pouvons pas penser la transition écologique sans prendre en compte la réalité du paysage actuel du secteur automobile en France...

28 September 2023


Thanks to its expert and future-focused view, Covéa is able to analyse and provide support with all changes in society.

Social commitments

For Covéa, diversity is a source of wealth. We want to help create a more inclusive society through measures to encourage fair treatment and employability, and by combating all forms of discrimination. This begins with actively listening to people’s needs on a Group-wide level, as well as at the level of society.

Climate commitments

As a leading motor and home insurance company, Covéa is directly concerned by climate change, with transport and housing generating more than half of greenhouse gas emissions.