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Cesvi France, the technical center of Covéa, a key player in sustainable car repair
- Covéa
- Innovation
Covéa relies on the expertise of Cesvi France to develop the virtuous circle of sustainable car repair. At the heart of the ecosystem, this...
Drought : How to prevent the shrinkage and swelling of clay soils
- Covéa
- Prevention
Drought and the associated phenomenon of clay soils shrinkage and swelling have a serious impact on buildings, causing significant damage...
Apprendre à ne pas utiliser l’IA – par Arthur Dénouveaux et Maxence Jeunesse
- Covéa
- Innovation
«Déléguer systématiquement à l’intelligence artificielle certaines tâches revient à inhiber, voire à détruire, le potentiel de progrès»
Covéa and its brands committed to road safety
- Covéa
- Prevention
With more than 3,000 people killed on the roads in 2023, road safety remains an essential issue for insurers, the people they protect and...
Covéa Protection Juridique's legal experts, untangling your worries
- Covéa Protection Juridique
- Prevention
Covéa Protection Juridique's legal experts assist the private and professional policyholders of Covéa brands faced with legal problems...
2023 Integrated Report: Covéa reasserts its leading position and its commitment to a sustainable future
- Covéa
- Governance
Despite the successive economic, climate-related and geopolitical crises of 2023, Covéa has confirmed its position as the French market
Michael Walker has been appointed Group Chief Financial Officer of Covéa
- Covéa
- Governance
Michael Walker has been appointed Group Chief Financial Officer, effective July 1, 2024, and joins the Group Management Committee.
Sustainable vehicle repairs: an environmental, social and societal issue
- Covéa
- Innovation
As a market leader in motor insurance, the Covéa Group is committed to raising awareness among all its stakeholders about sustainable...
Arthur Dénouveaux (Covéa) : « L'IA générative ne remplacera pas le travail humain »
- Covéa
- Innovation
Arthur Dénouveaux, directeur pilotage de la transformation au sein de la direction générale Assurances France de Covéa et directeur du...
Auto : un Vinted des pièces détachées va-t-il voir le jour ?
- Covéa
- Innovation
Et si un Vinted des portières, rétroviseurs, ou pare-brise voyait le jour pour contrer la hausse des prix des pièces détachées neuves ? C...
Covéa publishes its white paper on sustainable vehicle repair
- Covéa
- Prevention
Covéa presents proposals for promoting sustainable vehicle repair and ensuring the major ecological and financial benefits it offers are
Mutualisons l'assurance pour offrir aux Européens une protection à la hauteur des risques actuels !
- Covéa
- Compensation
Alors que nous assistons à une multiplication des risques, l’assurance est restée un produit national. En harmonisant les dispositifs de...
Assistance coordinators and their essential role in supporting policyholders
- Fidélia Assistance
- Compensation
When our policyholders find themselves faced with a breakdown, an accident, vandalism or theft, our assistance coordinators are there. They...
La hausse des taux sourit à Covéa
- Covéa
- Finance
En 2023, Covéa a réinvesti une dizaine de milliards d’euros de titres obligataires à un taux moyen de 3,20%. L’assureur n’en délaisse pas...
At Covéa, we put people first in supporting personal injury victims
- Covéa
- Compensation
Personal injury – for example as a result of a road traffic accident or an accident at home or at work – can turn lives upside down and have...
The Home Security Observatory: understanding domestic risks to ensure better prevention and care
- Covéa
- Prevention
Everyone is exposed to domestic risks such as water damage, theft and fire. As one of the leading providers of home insurance in France...
Les dégâts des eaux, cauchemar numéro 1 des Français : plus d’un million de sinistres par an
- Covéa
- Prevention
EXCLUSIF. Plus d’un million de sinistres liés aux fuites ou aux infiltrations sont déclarés chaque année en France alerte l’Observatoire de...
Covéa enregistre un bénéfice historique grâce à PartnerRe
- Covéa
- Finance
Le groupe mutualiste tire parti du cycle favorable en réassurance pour compenser la sinistralité en France. L’avenir de ses activités d...
2023 annual results: key figures and results
- Covéa
- Finance
PartnerRe was successfully integrated, vindicating the Group's strategy. Earned premiums rose 18% to €26.8 billion and net income was very
Cov&elles: a key part of Covéa’s gender equality efforts
- Covéa
Covéa set up its women’s network Cov&elles in 2017 to promote diversity and help women develop their careers within the Group. Cov&elles...
Thierry Derez, Covéa: "Pas d’affolement, les robots ne prendront pas tous nos emplois"
- Covéa
- Innovation
Le directeur général du groupe mutualiste décrit très concrètement les applications de l’IA et leur impact sur les relations avec les...
International Women’s Day: supported by the Covéa Foundation
- Fondation Covéa
To mark International Women’s Day on 8 March, Aude Messin, Vice-Chair of the Covéa Foundation, created a video on the measures taken by the
Covéa: un partenariat avec EDF pour la rénovation énergétique
- Covéa
- Prevention
La plateforme digitale de services de prévention de Covéa met en relation les sociétaires de ses marques avec EDF, pour proposer des travaux...
Covéa joins forces with EDF to offer home renovation and energy efficiency solutions for MAAF, MMA and GMF policyholders
- Covéa
- Innovation
To help its members with the energy transition and support them with their home renovation projects, Covéa is expanding its range of
Covéa, Allianz... les entreprises les mieux notées des salariés dans les assurances et l'assistance
- Covéa
- Human resources
Les DRH demeurent plutôt optimistes mais doivent se démener pour arriver à attirer de nouveaux candidats. Découvrez notre classement 2024...
Maud Petit has been appointed Deputy Managing Director of Covéa group
- Covéa
- Governance
Maud Petit has been appointed Deputy Managing Director of Covéa group and, by decision of the Board of Directors, becomes CEO of Covéa
Disability: several Covéa employees attend My Human Kit’s Fabrikarium
- Fondation Covéa
The charity My Human Kit held a new Fabrikarium event focusing on disability on 6 to 8 February in Rennes. The programme for the event, made
Jobs in insurance: Covéa live on social media
- Covéa
- Human resources
Covéa set out its recruitment targets for 2024 and answered questions during the live event “Covéa is recruiting: Connect to your future job
Women's rights: Covéa joins the #StOpE initiative to combat everyday sexism in the workplace
- Covéa
On 25 January – national anti-sexism day in France – Covéa signed up to the #StOpE charter as part of its planned measures in 2024 to