Anne Lamotte

Anne Lamotte

Chief Life Insurance Officer

After graduating from the Paris School of Business, Anne Lamotte began her career in 1993 at AGF/Allianz in management control, development and strategic planning.

In 2007, Anne Lamotte was appointed Group Operations Director.

In 2012, she became Director of Development and Commercial of the General Agents network, then Sales Director of General Agents for the Paris North East region.

In 2018, Anne Lamotte set up and managed the Allianz Mon Avenir, Savings and Retirement ecosystem, in charge of developing individual and group savings and retirement solutions.

In 2021, she became Director of Distribution Network Management Development at Allianz France.

Anne Lamotte joined the Covéa Group in 2023 as project manager reporting to Valérie Cohen, Chief Offers and Services Officer.

In 2024, she was appointed Chief Life Insurance Officer for the Covéa Group and also Chief Executive Officer of MMA Vie Assurances Mutuelles and MMA Vie SA.